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all about me 

by frank

my strengths

I am not good at a lot of thangs but I'm always wiling to learn

grate hand eye codanashen 

hard worker 

I do not mind hard physicals work and I will do the job as fast as I can  

a can do attitude  

it takes a lot to get me dawn 

a basic programming skill set 

i can do some programming 

me and my famaley 

hobby's and what i like 

favert holiday

my dad is in the air force and my mom is an air force veteran I have 2 siblings  1 cat and 1 dog ​

i like to do archery play games I also do fishing I know how to youse google slids docks and juroo 

thanksgiving to me thars nothing like eating a masiv  feast with famley  

my plan for the FUTURE 

I'm planning on going to college and get a masters for biology and them I'm gong to be a mere biologist  
Marine Biologist

my calader 

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